Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.

Understanding Building Approvals: A Comprehensive Guide

17 November 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Building approvals serve as an essential part of construction projects. They ensure that all works comply with relevant regulations and standards, promoting safety and sustainability. Understanding the building approval process can help streamline construction endeavours, save time and avoid potential legal issues. The Building Approval Process: An Overview The building approval process typically begins with the submission of detailed plans to a local council or private certifier. These plans should include all necessary information about the proposed construction, such as site layout, building design, materials to be used and how the project aligns with planning regulations. Read More …

Are you in need of heavy machinery?

14 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you involved in a building project? Maybe, you need diggers or excavators to clear an area before redevelopment. Whether you are landscaping a large garden or building an industrial complex, it's unlikely that you will be doing all the work manually. Moving quantities of earth or debris or reshaping an existing landscape is hard work, and it is rarely possible to complete the work on time without digging machinery to do the heavy lifting and digging and dumpers to take away the spoil. Read More …

About Me
Gerry's General Contractor Blog

Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.
