Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.

Helpful Tips for Getting a Fast Building Approval for Your Home Building Project

21 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There are a number of things that you have to be prepared for when having a home built, including the process of getting your building approval so that building can start as soon as possible. You are probably hoping that your home will be built as soon as possible, so you're probably hoping that you can get your building approvals as quickly as possible. These are some of the most helpful tips that you can follow if you want to get a quick building approval. Read More …

About Me
Gerry's General Contractor Blog

Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.
