Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.

3 Benefits That a Custom Kitchen Can Bring Your Way

30 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

You spend a decent amount of time each day in the kitchen, preparing meals and cleaning up. If you love cooking or baking, then you spend a lot of your time in the kitchen. That's why it's crucial to have a functional kitchen that suits your lifestyle and space. With custom kitchens, you can consider all your options during renovations. This helps you create a space that suits your needs and lifestyle. Read More …

Reasons To Install A Marble Benchtop

30 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

So many materials are available for kitchen benchtops that it can be hard to narrow down your selections. One option is marble; here are several reasons to consider this natural rock. Variety Of Colours And Patterns Marble varies widely in terms of colours and patterns. Black, white, pink, gold and blue are among the many hues arising from the particular mineral content within a slab, which depends on its place of origin. Read More …

About Me
Gerry's General Contractor Blog

Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.
