Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.

Deliberating On Materials For Your Retaining Wall? Source Them From A Natural Stone Supplier!

3 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Retaining walls, while necessary for all homeowners living on an incline, are typically viewed as utilitarian inclusions to a property. However, although these structures do play a crucial role in protecting your landscape, it does not mean that they need to be unattractive structures that are detracting from all your landscaping efforts. Fortunately, one material is bound to offer you a host of benefits once you choose it for your retaining wall -- that material is natural stone. Read More …

Earthmoving Services You May Not Think of as a Homeowner

16 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, you may think of earthmoving services as clearing land and levelling it for expanding your home. Though these are some of the main services offered, there are other services that can be beneficial to you as a homeowner. Here are a few of the services that can help with your landscaping or with upgrades and renovations to your current property. Septic Tank Digging If you have a septic tank, there are several issues you could run into. Read More …

About Me
Gerry's General Contractor Blog

Hello, my name is Gerry and this is my general contractor blog. I am not a general contractor but I have spent the last 18 months working with a team of general contractors to replace and repair the roof, plumbing, electrical systems and interior of new commercial premises I plan to open in Sydney, Australia. The shop will sell a range of electronic goods at super discounted prices. As I worked with the contractors, I learnt an awful lot about the way they operate and the skills they use to complete the jobs they work on. I hope this blog is useful.
